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The meaning of Tub

Tub – definition


A wide, open, deep, typically round container with a flat bottom used for holding liquids, growing plants, etc.

Usage examples:

A rainwater tub

A short, broad boat that handles awkwardly.

Usage examples:

The old tub's in need of a refit

Plant in a tub.

Usage examples:

Plant them in drifts at the front of your borders, tub them, fill a window box with them: they go a…

Wash or bathe (someone or something) in or as in a tub or bath.

Usage examples:

Even your formal evening gown can be tubbed

Tub translation into English

Tub: translate from English into Chinese

Translate tub into Chinese (Simplified)}
浴缸, 桶, 盆, 澡, 木盒, 杅

Tub: translate from English into Dutch

Translate tub into Dutch}
Badkuip, Ton, Kuip, Bak, Tobbe, Vat, Baden, Tonnen, Vaten, In een kuip planten

Tub: translate from English into French

Translate tub into French}
Baignoire, Cuve, Bac, Baquet, Pot, Caisse, Benne, Sabot, Prendre un bain

Tub: translate from English into German

Translate tub into German}
Wanne, Bottich, Kübel, Zuber, Tonne, Becher, Kahn, Bütte, Fass, Kasten, Kufe, Pott, Kiste

Tub: translate from English into Hindi

Translate tub into Hindi}
टब, बंबा, पीपा, कठरा, कटौती, नांद

Tub: translate from English into Italian

Translate tub into Italian}
Vasca, Vasca da bagno, Tinozza, Tino

Tub: translate from English into Korean

Translate tub into Korean}
통, 목욕통, 작은 배, 뚱뚱보, 목욕시키다, 연습용 보트로 연습시키다, 통에 넣다, 통에 저장하다, 목욕통에서 몸을 씻다, 연습용 보트로 연습하다, 잘 빨리다

Tub: translate from English into Russian

Translate tub into Russian}
Ванна, Кадка, Бак, Ушат, Бадья, Лохань, Бочонок, Шайка, Мытье в ванне, Мыться в ванне, Шахтная вагонетка, Учебная шлюпка, Тихоходное неуклюжее судно, Старая калоша, Ящик для руды, Упражняться в гребле, Накладывать масло в кадку, Сажать растение в кадку

Tub: translate from English into Spanish

Translate tub into Spanish}
Tina, Bañera, Cuba, Baño, Cubo, Balde, Carcamán, Artesón, Tomar un baño, Tambor pequeño, Tomar una bañera

Word origin

Middle English: probably of Low German or Dutch origin; compare with Middle Low German, Middle Dutch tubbe .

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