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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of To cope

To cope – definition


To deal successfully with a difficult situation

Usage examples:

It's only been a year since he died - how's she coping (= how is she)?, he had so much pressure on …

To cope translation into English

To cope: translate from English into Chinese

Translate to cope into Chinese (Simplified)}
应对, 应付, 对付, 应, 对抗, 支应, 铺盖, 辖制

To cope: translate from English into Dutch

Translate to cope into Dutch}
Omgaan met, Bekappen, Bedekken

To cope: translate from English into French

Translate to cope into French}
Faire face, Lutter, Se débrouiller, Battre, Chaperonner

To cope: translate from English into German

Translate to cope into German}
Zu bewältigen, Zurechtkommen, Schaffen, Fangen, Erwischen, Schnappen

To cope: translate from English into Hindi

Translate to cope into Hindi}
सामना करने के लिए, डटकर मुकाबला करना

To cope: translate from English into Italian

Translate to cope into Italian}
Per far fronte, Far fronte, Fronteggiare, Tener testa

To cope: translate from English into Korean

Translate to cope into Korean}
에 대처하기 위해, 겨루다, 덮이다, 대처하다, 해나가다, 대항하다, 코프를 입히다, 갓돌을 얹다

To cope: translate from English into Russian

Translate to cope into Russian}
Справиться, Справляться, Совладать, Бороться, Сладить, Ладить, Покрывать, Покрывать, Обхватывать, Крыть, Крыть

To cope: translate from English into Spanish

Translate to cope into Spanish}
Hacer frente, Hacer frente a, Enfrentarse con

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