Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Threadiest


Threadiest – definition


Relating to or resembling a thread.

Usage examples:

Her hair was blonde and thready, and wrinkles covered a face that might have been pretty one day, a…

(of a sound, especially the voice) scarcely audible.

Usage examples:

He managed a thready whisper

Like or consisting of thin threads

Usage examples:

The caramel has a thready texture at this stage of the process., the baby was tottering about on he…

Threadiest translation into English

Threadiest: translate from English into Chinese

Translate threadiest into Chinese (Simplified)}

Threadiest: translate from English into Dutch

Translate threadiest into Dutch}
Draadachtigste, Versleten, Dragerig, Dun

Threadiest: translate from English into French

Translate threadiest into French}
Le plus filiforme, Filé, Faible

Threadiest: translate from English into German

Translate threadiest into German}
Am fadenscheinigsten

Threadiest: translate from English into Hindi

Translate threadiest into Hindi}
थ्रेडिएस्ट, पतला, रेशेदार, तंतुमय, क्षीण

Threadiest: translate from English into Italian

Translate threadiest into Italian}
Più filiforme

Threadiest: translate from English into Korean

Translate threadiest into Korean}
가장 실, 약한, 실 같은, 가는 실처럼 늘어지는

Threadiest: translate from English into Russian

Translate threadiest into Russian}
Самый нитевидный, Нитевидный, Слабый, Тягучий, Волокнистый, Нитяной

Threadiest: translate from English into Spanish

Translate threadiest into Spanish}
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