Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative – definition


Said to mean that it is very difficult to teach someone new skills or to change someone's habits or character

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative translation into English

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Chinese

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Chinese (Simplified)}

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Dutch

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Dutch}
Leer een oude hond nieuwe trucjes: iemands oude gewoonten veranderen. meestal negatief gebruikt

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into French

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into French}
Apprendre de nouveaux tours à un vieux chien : changer les habitudes de quelqu'un. généralement utilisé dans le négatif

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into German

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into German}
Einem alten hund neue tricks beibringen: um die alteingesessenen gewohnheiten einer person zu ändern. normalerweise im negativ verwendet

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Hindi

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Hindi}
एक पुराने कुत्ते को नई तरकीबें सिखाएं: किसी की लंबे समय से स्थापित आदतों को बदलने के लिए। आमतौर पर नकारात्मक में प्रयोग किया जाता है

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Italian

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Italian}
Insegnare a un vecchio cane nuovi trucchi: cambiare le abitudini consolidate di qualcuno. solitamente usato in senso negativo

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Korean

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Korean}
늙은 개에게 새로운 요령을 가르쳐라: 누군가의 오랜 습관을 바꾸는 것. 일반적으로 부정적인 의미로 사용

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Russian

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Russian}
Научите старую собаку новым трюкам: изменить чьи-то давно устоявшиеся привычки. обычно используется в отрицательном

Teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative: translate from English into Spanish

Translate teach an old dog new tricks: to change someone’s long-established habits. usually used in the negative into Spanish}
Enséñale nuevos trucos a un perro viejo: para cambiar los hábitos arraigados de alguien. generalmente se usa en negativo

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