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The meaning of Stultify


Stultify – definition


Cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.

Usage examples:

He found ways of gently subverting the class system that stultified 1950s english society

Cause (someone) to appear foolish or absurd.

Usage examples:

Like women elsewhere, african women are stultified by circumstances largely beyond their control.

To prevent something from developing, or prevent someone from developing new ideas

Usage examples:

She felt the repetitive exercises stultified her musical technique so she stopped doing them., the …

Stultify translation into English

Stultify: translate from English into Chinese

Translate stultify into Chinese (Simplified)}

Stultify: translate from English into Dutch

Translate stultify into Dutch}
Afstompen, Versuffen, Bespottelijk maken, Ongerijmd maken, Te niet doen, Verijdelen

Stultify: translate from English into French

Translate stultify into French}
Abrutir, Déshumaniser, Rendre vain, Enlever toute valeur à

Stultify: translate from English into German

Translate stultify into German}
Verdummen, Lähmen, Verkümmern

Stultify: translate from English into Hindi

Translate stultify into Hindi}
मूर्ख बनाना, कुंद हो जाना, वृथा करना, मूर्ख आचरण करना, अपने की बेवकूफ बनाना

Stultify: translate from English into Italian

Translate stultify into Italian}
Intorpidire, Invalidare, Neutralizzare

Stultify: translate from English into Korean

Translate stultify into Korean}
더럽히다, 바보스럽게 보이게 하다, 망쳐버리다

Stultify: translate from English into Russian

Translate stultify into Russian}
Отуплять, Сводить на нет, Выставлять в смешном виде

Stultify: translate from English into Spanish

Translate stultify into Spanish}
Poner en ridículo, Hacer inútil, Hacer ridículo

Word origin

mid 18th century: from late Latin stultificare, from Latin stultus ‘foolish’.

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