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The meaning of Squabbling


Squabbling – definition


A noisy quarrel about something trivial.

Usage examples:

Family squabbles

Present participle of squabble

Usage examples:

When small children are tired they are more likely to squabble with each other., they are still squ…

Squabbling translation into English

Squabbling: translate from English into Chinese

Translate squabbling into Chinese (Simplified)}
争吵, 斗嘴, 拌嘴, 吵, 打官司, 磕碰

Squabbling: translate from English into Dutch

Translate squabbling into Dutch}

Squabbling: translate from English into French

Translate squabbling into French}
Se chamailler, Se disputer, Se quereller

Squabbling: translate from English into German

Translate squabbling into German}
Streit, Streiterei, Hickhack, Zänkerei

Squabbling: translate from English into Hindi

Translate squabbling into Hindi}

Squabbling: translate from English into Italian

Translate squabbling into Italian}
Litigare, Bisticciare

Squabbling: translate from English into Korean

Translate squabbling into Korean}
말다툼, 뒤섞어 버리다, 승강이하다

Squabbling: translate from English into Russian

Translate squabbling into Russian}
Склока, Склочничать, Рассыпаться, Рассыпать, Вздорить, Вздорить из-за пустяков, Пререкаться из-за пустяков

Squabbling: translate from English into Spanish

Translate squabbling into Spanish}
Peleando, Reñir por, Reñir a

Word origin

early 17th century: probably imitative; compare with Swedish dialect skvabbel ‘a dispute’.

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