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The meaning of Speckle


Speckle – definition


A small spot or patch of colour.

Usage examples:

It has white speckles on its forewing

Mark with a large number of small spots or patches of colour.

Usage examples:

Gulls whirled round the masts, speckling the docks with guano

A very small mark of a different colour from the area around it, usually found with a large number of other marks of the same type

Usage examples:

A blackbird's egg is blue with brown speckles on it., a few drops of blood speckled his face., blac…

Speckle translation into English

Speckle: translate from English into Chinese

Translate speckle into Chinese (Simplified)}
斑点, 斑, 褐斑, 小斑点

Speckle: translate from English into Dutch

Translate speckle into Dutch}
Spikkel, Spikkelen

Speckle: translate from English into French

Translate speckle into French}
Tache, Tacheture, Moucheture, Tavelure, Moucheter, Tacheter

Speckle: translate from English into German

Translate speckle into German}
Tupfen, Sprenkel, Tupfer

Speckle: translate from English into Hindi

Translate speckle into Hindi}
धब्बा, छींटेदार करना, बिंदु, चित्ती, कलंक, धब्बा डालना, धब्बेदार करना, बिंदु बनाना, धब्बे डालना

Speckle: translate from English into Italian

Translate speckle into Italian}
Macchiolina, Macchiettare, Chiazza, Macchiare, Chiazzare, Picchiettare

Speckle: translate from English into Korean

Translate speckle into Korean}
작은 반점, 작은 반점을 찍다

Speckle: translate from English into Russian

Translate speckle into Russian}
Крапинка, Пятнать, Пятнышко, Испещрять

Speckle: translate from English into Spanish

Translate speckle into Spanish}
Punto, Mancha, Motear, Salpicar, Salpicar de manchitas

Word origin

late Middle English (as a noun): from Middle Dutch spekkel ; the verb (late 16th century) from the noun or a back-formation from speckled .

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