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The meaning of Soaps


Soaps – definition


A substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of a compound of natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or another strong alkali, and typically having perfume and colouring added.

Usage examples:

A bar of soap

A soap opera.

Usage examples:

The soaps are top of the ratings

Wash with soap.

Usage examples:

She soaped her face

Soaps translation into English

Soaps: translate from English into Chinese

Translate soaps into Chinese (Simplified)}
肥皂, 皂, 阿谀, 胰

Soaps: translate from English into Dutch

Translate soaps into Dutch}
Zeep, Zepen, Mooipraterij, Lekkermakerij

Soaps: translate from English into French

Translate soaps into French}
Savons, Savon, Savonner, Flagornerie, Feuilleton mélo

Soaps: translate from English into German

Translate soaps into German}
Seifen, Seife, Seifenoper, Einseifen

Soaps: translate from English into Hindi

Translate soaps into Hindi}
साबुन, चापलूसी, घूस, साबुन लगाना, साबुन मलना, चापलूसी करना, ख़ुशामद करना, ख़ुशामद

Soaps: translate from English into Italian

Translate soaps into Italian}
Saponi, Sapone, Saponetta, Insaponare

Soaps: translate from English into Korean

Translate soaps into Korean}
비누, 연속 홈 드라마, 돈, 지방산의 알칼리 금속염, 연속 홈 멜로드라마, ...을 비누로 문지르다, ...을 비누로 빨다, ...에게 아첨하다

Soaps: translate from English into Russian

Translate soaps into Russian}
Мыло, Мыльная опера, Намыливать, Мылить, Мыть мылом, Льстить, Мыться мылом, Лесть, Деньги

Soaps: translate from English into Spanish

Translate soaps into Spanish}
Jabones, Jabón, Enjabonar

Word origin

Old English sāpe, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch zeep and German Seife . The verb dates from the mid 16th century.

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Soaps – similar words

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