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The meaning of Shriek


Shriek – definition


Utter a high-pitched piercing sound or words, especially as an expression of terror, pain, or excitement.

Usage examples:

The audience shrieked with laughter

A high-pitched piercing cry or sound; a scream.

Usage examples:

Shrieks of laughter

An exclamation mark.


A loud, high cry

Usage examples:

The shriek of sea gulls, she heard a high-pitched shriek., [ i ] we shrieked with laughter.

Shriek translation into English

Shriek: translate from English into Chinese

Translate shriek into Chinese (Simplified)}
尖叫, 啼哭, 尖声叫喊

Shriek: translate from English into Dutch

Translate shriek into Dutch}
Krijsen, Gil, Schreeuw, Gillen, Gieren, Alarmkreet

Shriek: translate from English into French

Translate shriek into French}
Cri, Crier, Hurler, Cri perçant, Cri aigu, Pousser un hurlement

Shriek: translate from English into German

Translate shriek into German}
Schrei, Schreien, Kreischen, Aufschrei, Aufschreien, Quietschen, Schriller schrei, Plärren, Schriller ton

Shriek: translate from English into Hindi

Translate shriek into Hindi}
कटकट, चीख, किलकारी, किकियाना, गला फाड़ना, ठहाका मारकर हँसना, ज़ोर से चिल्लाना, किटकिटाहट, पुकार, चिल्लाहट, चीक, चीख़ना, कर्कशनाद, कूक

Shriek: translate from English into Italian

Translate shriek into Italian}
Strillare, Strillo, Gridare, Grido di dolore

Shriek: translate from English into Korean

Translate shriek into Korean}
비명, ...을 새된 목소리로 말하다, 새된 소리를 지르다

Shriek: translate from English into Russian

Translate shriek into Russian}
Визжать, Визг, Вопить, Пронзительный крик, Скрежет, Скрип, Вскрикивать, Пронзительно кричать, Выкрикивать

Shriek: translate from English into Spanish

Translate shriek into Spanish}
Grito, Chillido, Gritar, Chillar, Darse patadas

Word origin

late 15th century (as a verb): imitative; compare with dialect screak, Old Norse skrækja, also with screech.

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