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The meaning of Shout

Shout – definition


(of a person) utter a loud cry, typically as an expression of a strong emotion.

Usage examples:

She shouted for joy

Treat (someone) to (something, especially a drink).

Usage examples:

I'll shout you a beer

A loud cry expressing a strong emotion or calling attention.

Usage examples:

His words were interrupted by warning shouts

One's turn to buy a round of drinks.

Usage examples:

‘do you want another drink? my shout.’

Utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice


To say something in a loud voice

Usage examples:

[ i ] if anyone’s up there," he shouted sternly, "come out now!", when nominated for the presidency…

Shout translation into English

Shout: translate from English into Chinese

Translate shout into Chinese (Simplified)}
喊, 呼喊, 喊叫, 叫喊, 喊声, 呼叫, 呼, 叫, 嚷, 叫嚷, 呼唤, 叱, 呵, 号叫, 喊叫声

Shout: translate from English into Dutch

Translate shout into Dutch}
Roepen, Schreeuwen, Schreeuw, Kreet, Juichen, Geroep, Uitroepen, Gieren, Trakteren

Shout: translate from English into French

Translate shout into French}
Cri, Crier, Hurler, Pousser des cris, Interpeller, Huer, Explosion, Engueuler, Claironner, Interpellation

Shout: translate from English into German

Translate shout into German}
Schreien, Schrei, Rufen, Ruf, Brüllen, Zuruf, Schnauzen

Shout: translate from English into Hindi

Translate shout into Hindi}
चिल्लाना, शोर, चिल्लाहट, कोलाहल, नुकताचीन करना, बुलाना, चीकना, पुकारना, चीक, चीख़

Shout: translate from English into Italian

Translate shout into Italian}
Gridare o urlare, Gridare, Grido, Urlare, Urlo, Strillare, Sbraitare, Strillo, Vociare

Shout: translate from English into Korean

Translate shout into Korean}
외침, 소리 지르다, 소리 질러 되게 하다, 살 차례, 갈채, 치다, 환호소리, 갈채소리, 소리지르다, 큰소리를 내다, 찬송가 등을 정성껏 부르다, ...을 외치다, ...이라고 외치다, ...에게 술 등을 대접하다

Shout: translate from English into Russian

Translate shout into Russian}
Кричать, Крик, Окрик, Возглас, Накричать, Громкий крик, Покричать, Покрикивать, Угощать всю компанию, Звать, Гомонить, Гаркать, Прикрикивать, Чья-либо очередь платить

Shout: translate from English into Spanish

Translate shout into Spanish}
Grito, Gritar, Vociferar, Expresar en alta voz

Word origin

late Middle English: perhaps related to shoot; compare with Old Norse skúta ‘a taunt’, also with the verb scout2.

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