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The meaning of Sheathe


Sheathe – definition


Put (a weapon such as a knife or sword) into a sheath.

Usage examples:

I sheathed my dagger

Encase (something) in a close-fitting or protective covering.

Usage examples:

Her legs were sheathed in black stockings

To put something, esp. a knife, in its cover

Sheathe translation into English

Sheathe: translate from English into Chinese

Translate sheathe into Chinese (Simplified)}
护套, 覆盖

Sheathe: translate from English into Dutch

Translate sheathe into Dutch}
Schede, In de schede steken, Steken in, Intrekken

Sheathe: translate from English into French

Translate sheathe into French}
Gainer, Rengainer, Recouvrir, Revêtir

Sheathe: translate from English into German

Translate sheathe into German}
Scheide, In die scheide stecken, Einstecken, Armieren

Sheathe: translate from English into Hindi

Translate sheathe into Hindi}
ढांकना, गड़ाना, बंद करना, मियान में रखना, भोंकना, चुभाना, म्यान में रखना, म्यान में डालना, गिलाफ चढ़ाना

Sheathe: translate from English into Italian

Translate sheathe into Italian}
Rinfoderare, Ringuainare

Sheathe: translate from English into Korean

Translate sheathe into Korean}
씌우다, 푹 찌르다, 상자에 넣다, 상자에 담다

Sheathe: translate from English into Russian

Translate sheathe into Russian}
Обшивать, Заключать в оболочку, Защищать, Класть в футляр, Вкладывать в футляр, Вкладывать в ножны

Sheathe: translate from English into Spanish

Translate sheathe into Spanish}
Envainar, Forrar, Enfundar, Retraer, Hundir en la carne, Embonar

Word origin

late Middle English: from sheath.

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Sheathe – similar words

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