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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Section


Section – definition


Any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up.

Usage examples:

I unscrewed every section of copper pipe, from the roof tank to the hot-water cylinder

A distinct group within a larger body of people or things.

Usage examples:

The non-parliamentary section of the party

The cutting of a solid by or along a plane.

Usage examples:

Nails of round section

Divide into sections.

Usage examples:

She began to section the grapefruit

Commit (someone) compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act.

Usage examples:

Should she be sectioned and forced back into hospital?

A part of something

Usage examples:

Dad always reads the sports section of the newspaper., he lived in a poor section of town., you’ll …

One of the parts of a book, newspaper, website, etc. that deals with a particular subject

Usage examples:

The article appeared in the business section of the sunday times., a section on sth the website has…

Section translation into English

Section: translate from English into Chinese

Translate section into Chinese (Simplified)}
部分, 部, 段, 截面, 章节, 款, 剖面, 部门, 章, 分段, 切面, 截, 型钢, 阶段, 截口, 股, 翼, 瓣, 断片, 截点

Section: translate from English into Dutch

Translate section into Dutch}
Sectie, Afdeling, Gedeelte, Artikel, Paragraaf, Onderdeel, Doorsnede, Vak, Profiel, Lid, Traject, Baanvak, Tak, Branche, Partje, In secties verdelen, Opensnijding, Stadswijk, District

Section: translate from English into French

Translate section into French}
Section, Article, Partie, Paragraphe, Coupe, Tronçon, Rayon, Sectionner, Quartier, Se sectionner, Interner

Section: translate from English into German

Translate section into German}
Sektion, Abschnitt, Kapitel, Teil, Rubrik, Schnitt, Abteilung, Absatz, Strecke, Paragraph, Sparte, Gruppe, Partie, Paragraf, Schnittfläche, Glied, Trakt, Titel, Teilen, Zug, Einen schnitt machen, Dienststelle

Section: translate from English into Hindi

Translate section into Hindi}
खंड, अनुभाग, भाग, अनुच्छेद, अंश, काटना, विधर्मी, हिस्सों का भाग करना, प्रतिभाग करना, तराशना, अनुभाग धारा

Section: translate from English into Italian

Translate section into Italian}
Sezione, Parte, Paragrafo, Settore, Articolo, Tratta, Pezzo, Fascia

Section: translate from English into Korean

Translate section into Korean}
부분, 섹션, 절, 단면도, 구역, 단면, 부문, 과, 절개, 단, 분대, 접합 부분, 잘라낸 부분, 소대, 아속, 한쪽, 계층, 보선구, 구분하다, 구획하다

Section: translate from English into Russian

Translate section into Russian}
Раздел, Секция, Сечение, Часть, Разрез, Параграф, Отрезок, Глава, Профиль, Срез, Сегмент, Поперечное сечение, Группа, Район, Деталь, Квартал, Рассечение, Кружок, Подотдел, Долька, Разрезание, Земельный участок, Подразделять, Участок железнодорожного пути, Купе спального вагона, Делить на части

Section: translate from English into Spanish

Translate section into Spanish}
Sección, Artículo, Parte, Corte, Sector, Página, Párrafo, Perfil, Departamento, Casilla, Trozo, Seccionar, Ramal, Gajo, Pliego, Dividir en secciones, Patrulla, Distrito, Región

Word origin

late Middle English (as a noun): from French section or Latin sectio(n- ), from secare ‘to cut’. The verb dates from the early 19th century.

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