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The meaning of Ruffles


Ruffles – definition


Disorder or disarrange (someone's hair), typically by running one's hands through it.

Usage examples:

The father laughs and jovially ruffles his son's hair

A strip of lace or other material, gathered along one edge to make an ornamental frill on a garment or other piece of fabric.

Usage examples:

The garment is often trimmed with lace, ruffles, bows and ribbons, optionally with spaghetti straps.

A vibrating drumbeat.

Usage examples:

The ruffle on drums and the flourish on bugles are sounded together, up to four times depending on …

To make someone upset or nervous or reduce someone’s confidence

Usage examples:

[ t ] it ruffled her composure, and she did not know how to respond., a sudden, strong breeze ruffl…

Ruffles translation into English

Ruffles: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ruffles into Chinese (Simplified)}
褶边, 生气, 波纹, 发脾气, 弄绉

Ruffles: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ruffles into Dutch}
Ruches, Rimpeling, Plooien, Plooi, Verstoren

Ruffles: translate from English into French

Translate ruffles into French}
Froufrous, Ébouriffer, Troubler, Froisser, Hérisser, Manchette, Ondulation, Ride, Trouble, Rider, Déranger, Irriter, Chiffonner, Mélanger, Rebrousser

Ruffles: translate from English into German

Translate ruffles into German}
Rüschen, Rüsche, Kräuseln, Krause, Sträuben, Zerzausen, Tombola, Verwirren, Verärgern, Zerraufen, Zausen, Lotterie, Trüben

Ruffles: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ruffles into Hindi}
झमेलें, चिढ़ाना, झालकर बनाना, व्याकुल करना, गुलूबंद

Ruffles: translate from English into Italian

Translate ruffles into Italian}
Balze, Increspatura, Arruffare, Increspare, Scompigliare, Incresparsi, Arruffarsi, Agitare, Agitarsi, Turbare, Turbarsi

Ruffles: translate from English into Korean

Translate ruffles into Korean}
주름 장식, 물결, 주름 가장자리, 동요, 소동, 나직하게 둥둥 울리는 북소리, 구김살지게 하다, 혼란시키다, 마음을 혼란시키다, ...에 주름잡다, 섞어치다, 카드를 섞어치다, 구겨지다, 안달하다, 나직하게 둥둥 울리다, 북을 나직하게 둥둥 울리다

Ruffles: translate from English into Russian

Translate ruffles into Russian}
Оборки, Рябить, Раздражать, Раздражение, Рябь, Морщить, Ерошить, Досада, Шум, Гофрировать, Собирать в сборки, Взлохматить, Взлохмачивать, Сердить, Нарушать спокойствие, Пререкаться, Вести себя заносчиво, Задирать, Хорохориться, Наручники, Суматоха, Ссора, Стычка, Дробь барабана

Ruffles: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ruffles into Spanish}
Volantes, Volante fruncido, Chorrera, Arruga, Fruncir, Rizo, Agitar, Arrugar, Arrugarse, Agitarse

Word origin

Middle English (as a verb): of unknown origin. Current noun senses date from the mid 17th century.

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