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The meaning of Rib

Rib – definition


Each of a series of slender curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine (twelve pairs in humans), protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs.

Usage examples:

He had several broken ribs

A long raised piece of strengthening or supporting material.

Usage examples:

This boat then had 11 ribs added to strengthen the hull.

A vein of a leaf or an insect's wing.

Usage examples:

A spinach-type leaf with red ribs

A combination of alternate plain and purl stitches producing a ridged, slightly elastic fabric.

Usage examples:

Knit twenty rows of rib

Mark with or form into ridges.

Usage examples:

The road was ribbed with furrows of slush

Tease good-naturedly.

Usage examples:

The first time i appeared in the outfit i was ribbed mercilessly

A small open boat with a fibreglass hull and inflatable rubber sides.


One of the bones that curve around from the spine (= the line of bones down the center of the back) on each side of the upper part of the body to form the chest

Usage examples:

Barbecued ribs, the two leaders ribbed each other good-naturedly during the press conference.

Rib translation into English

Rib: translate from English into Chinese

Translate rib into Chinese (Simplified)}
肋骨, 肋, 肋条, 装肋骨

Rib: translate from English into Dutch

Translate rib into Dutch}
Rib, Ribbe, Ribben, Ribbel, Richel, Nerf, Ribstuk, Ribbelen, Balein van paraplu, Ribbestuk, Ertsader

Rib: translate from English into French

Translate rib into French}
Côte, Nervure, Arête, Strie, Taquiner, Railler, Rire, Se moquer, Filon, Mettre en boîte, Membre

Rib: translate from English into German

Translate rib into German}
Rippe, Spant, Zarge, Speiche, Rippen, Necken, Foppen

Rib: translate from English into Hindi

Translate rib into Hindi}
पसली, पुसली, छाते की ताली, पत्ती की नस, रीसर्जेंट इंडिया बॉण्ड

Rib: translate from English into Italian

Translate rib into Italian}
Costola, Nervatura, Costa, Stecca, Costata, Punzecchiare, Rinforzare con nervature, Prendere in giro

Rib: translate from English into Korean

Translate rib into Korean}
늑골, 갈비, 두렁, 처, 논의 두렁, 잎맥, 늑골 모양의 것, 밭의 두렁, ...에 늑골을 대다, ...에 늑재를 대다, 이랑지게 갈다, 이랑지게 땅을 갈다

Rib: translate from English into Russian

Translate rib into Russian}
Ребро, Нервюра, Рубчик, Фланец, Шпангоут, Целик, Снабжать ребрами, Жена, Острый край, Прутик зонта, Жилка листа, Столб, Укреплять, Высмеивать, Подшучивать, Дразнить

Rib: translate from English into Spanish

Translate rib into Spanish}
Costilla, Nervio, Nervadura, Cuaderna, Cordoncillo, Tomar el pelo, Burlarse de

Word origin

acronym from rigid inflatable boat .

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