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The meaning of Rebel


Rebel – definition


A person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader.

Usage examples:

Tory rebels

Rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or leader.

Usage examples:

The earl of pembroke subsequently rebelled against henry iii

A person who refuses to accept the government’s power and uses force to oppose it, or a person who opposes authority and thinks or behaves differently

Usage examples:

The government tried to set up talks with the rebels., though he dressed unusually, he never meant …

A person who is opposed to the political system in their country and tries to change it using force

Usage examples:

The rebels took over the capital and set up a new government., rebel troops/fighters

A person who does not like rules or authority, and shows this by behaving differently from most people in society

Usage examples:

He was a rebel when he was a teenager and dyed his hair pink.

To fight against the government

Usage examples:

The people rebelled against the harsh new government.

To refuse to obey rules or people in authority

Usage examples:

Jacob rebelled against his parents' plans for him and left school at the age of 16., if you are too…

To react against a feeling, action, plan, etc.

Usage examples:

My poor sick stomach rebelled at the idea of any more food.

Rebel translation into English

Rebel: translate from English into Chinese

Translate rebel into Chinese (Simplified)}
反叛, 造反, 叛逆, 叛, 反, 谋反, 抵抗, 悖, 逆, 异己, 造反的, 造反者

Rebel: translate from English into Dutch

Translate rebel into Dutch}
Rebel, Opstandeling, In opstand komen, Oproerling, Muiter, Muiten, Oproer maken, Muiteling

Rebel: translate from English into French

Translate rebel into French}
Rebelle, Rébellion, Se rebeller, Révolté, Se révolter, Dissident, Regimber

Rebel: translate from English into German

Translate rebel into German}
Rebell, Rebellieren, Aufrührer, Auflehnen, Rebellisch, Aufbegehren, Revoltieren, Sich auflehnen, Abtrünnig, Meuterer, Sich empören, Putschist, Aufständisch, Sich erheben, Meutern, Putschen, Sich aufbäumen

Rebel: translate from English into Hindi

Translate rebel into Hindi}
बागी, विद्रोही, विद्रोह करना, विप्लव करना, राज-द्रोही, राज-द्रोह करना

Rebel: translate from English into Italian

Translate rebel into Italian}
Ribelle, Ribellarsi, Insorto

Rebel: translate from English into Korean

Translate rebel into Korean}
반역자, 반역의, 모반하다, 반감을 나타내다

Rebel: translate from English into Russian

Translate rebel into Russian}
Бунтарь, Бунтовать, Мятежник, Восставать, Повстанец, Мятежный, Бунтовщик, Повстанческий, Протестовать, Возмущаться, Поднимать восстание, Оказывать сопротивление, Противодействовать

Rebel: translate from English into Spanish

Translate rebel into Spanish}
Rebelde, Rebelarse, Sublevarse

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French rebelle (noun), rebeller (verb), from Latin rebellis (used originally with reference to a fresh declaration of war by the defeated), based on bellum ‘war’.

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