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The meaning of Quacked


Quacked – definition


(of a duck) make a quack.

Usage examples:

Ducks quacked from the lake

The characteristic harsh sound made by a duck.

Usage examples:

I heard a quack and saw some ducks huddled together

A person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, typically medicine.

Usage examples:

A quack doctor

Quacked translation into English

Quacked: translate from English into Chinese

Translate quacked into Chinese (Simplified)}
嘎嘎叫, 嘎嘎, 冒出

Quacked: translate from English into Dutch

Translate quacked into Dutch}
Kwaakt, Kwaken, Kwakzalveren, Kwikzilverachtig ophemelen, Aanprijzen, Snoeven

Quacked: translate from English into French

Translate quacked into French}
Charlatan, Cancaner, Faire le charlatanisme, Faire coin-coin

Quacked: translate from English into German

Translate quacked into German}
Schnatterte, Quaken, Schnattern, Quak machen

Quacked: translate from English into Hindi

Translate quacked into Hindi}
ठहाका लगाना, शेख़ी मारना

Quacked: translate from English into Italian

Translate quacked into Italian}
Cianciato, Fare qua qua

Quacked: translate from English into Korean

Translate quacked into Korean}
꽥꽥, 꽥꽥 울다, 집오리 따위가 꽥꽥 울다, 시끄럽게 지껄이다, 떠들썩하게 지껄이다, 엉터리 치료를 하다, 과대 광고를 하다

Quacked: translate from English into Russian

Translate quacked into Russian}
Крякал, Крякать, Лечить снадобьями, Болтать, Трещать, Шарлатанить, Мошенничать

Quacked: translate from English into Spanish

Translate quacked into Spanish}
Graznido, Graznar, Cotorrear, Darse de listo, Encomiar

Word origin

mid 16th century (as a verb): imitative.

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Quacked – similar words

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