Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Pronounced

Pronounced – definition


Make the sound of (a word or part of a word) in the correct or a particular way.

Usage examples:

Gerry pronounced the hero's name ‘cahoolin’

Declare or announce in a formal or solemn way.

Usage examples:

Allow history to pronounce the verdict

Pronounced translation into English

Pronounced: translate from English into Chinese

Translate pronounced into Chinese (Simplified)}
发音, 断言, 明言, 明白的, 断然的, Pronounced

Pronounced: translate from English into Dutch

Translate pronounced into Dutch}
Uitgesproken, Geprononceerd, Sterk sprekend beslist

Pronounced: translate from English into French

Translate pronounced into French}

Pronounced: translate from English into German

Translate pronounced into German}
Ausgesprochen, Ausgeprägt, Deutlich, Betont, Prononciert, Auffallend

Pronounced: translate from English into Hindi

Translate pronounced into Hindi}
उच्चारण, स्पष्ट, निर्णय किया हुआ, निश्रित, साफ़, सुनाया गया, अति स्पष्ट

Pronounced: translate from English into Italian

Translate pronounced into Italian}
Pronunciato, Preciso

Pronounced: translate from English into Korean

Translate pronounced into Korean}

Pronounced: translate from English into Russian

Translate pronounced into Russian}
Ярко выраженный, Выраженный, Явный, Произнесенный, Резко выраженный, Сказанный, Выговоренный, Ясный, Определенный

Pronounced: translate from English into Spanish

Translate pronounced into Spanish}
Pronunciado, Marcado, Acusado

Word origin

late Middle English: from Old French pronuncier, from Latin pronuntiare, from pro- ‘out, forth’ + nuntiare ‘announce’ (from nuntius ‘messenger’).

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