Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Portion

Portion – definition


A part of a whole.

Usage examples:

A portion of the jetty still stands

A person's destiny or lot.

Usage examples:

What will be my portion?

Divide (something) into parts; share out.

Usage examples:

Every month you send the agency a single payment that is portioned out to each of your creditors un…

Give a dowry to (a bride).

Usage examples:

My parents will portion me most handsomely

Portion translation into English

Portion: translate from English into Chinese

Translate portion into Chinese (Simplified)}
部分, 一部分, 份, 局部, 嫁妆, 分配, 局, 股

Portion: translate from English into Dutch

Translate portion into Dutch}
Deel, Portie, Aandeel, Erfdeel, Verdelen, Bruidschat, Toewijzen, Begiftigen met een erfdeel, Begiftigen met een bruidsschat, Uitdelen

Portion: translate from English into French

Translate portion into French}
Portion, Partie, Part, Dot, Sort, Destin, Distribuer

Portion: translate from English into German

Translate portion into German}
Portion, Teil, Abschnitt, Anteil, Stück, Menge, Mitgift, Los, Heiratsgut, Schicksal

Portion: translate from English into Hindi

Translate portion into Hindi}
हिस्से, भाग, अंश, भाग्य, विभाग, भाग करना, दहेज, स्रीधन, बाँटना, विभक्त करके देना, प्रदान करना

Portion: translate from English into Italian

Translate portion into Italian}
Porzione, Parte, Quota

Portion: translate from English into Korean

Translate portion into Korean}
부분, 일부, 운명, 배당, 분여 재산, 분할하다, 분배하다, 배당으로 주다, 남에게 분여 재산을 주다, 남에게 분여 지참금을 주다

Portion: translate from English into Russian

Translate portion into Russian}
Часть, Порция, Доля, Удел, Участь, Приданое, Надел, Выделять часть, Давать приданое, Дача, Делить на части, Наделять, Выделять долю

Portion: translate from English into Spanish

Translate portion into Spanish}
Parte, Porción, Ración, Trozo, Lote, Dote, Destino, Dividir, Dotar, Repartir para

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French porcion, from Latin portio(n- ), from the phrase pro portione ‘in proportion’.

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