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The meaning of Penitent


Penitent – definition


Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.

Usage examples:

A penitent expression

A person who repents their sins and (in the christian church) seeks forgiveness from god.

Usage examples:

It would entail suspension from eucharistic communion and taking one's seat in a special part of th…

Penitent translation into English

Penitent: translate from English into Chinese

Translate penitent into Chinese (Simplified)}
忏悔, 过意不去的, 悔悟的, 悔罪者, 忏悔的人

Penitent: translate from English into Dutch

Translate penitent into Dutch}
Berouwvol, Boeteling, Boetvaardige, Boetvaardig, Biechteling, Boetelinge

Penitent: translate from English into French

Translate penitent into French}

Penitent: translate from English into German

Translate penitent into German}
Büßer, Reuig, Bußfertig, Reumütig, Zerknirscht, Reuige sünderin, Reuiger sünder

Penitent: translate from English into Hindi

Translate penitent into Hindi}
अनुतापी, पश्चातापी, तोबा करनेवाला, तोबा करनेवाला व्यक्ति, पछताने या अफ़सोस करने वाला, अपराधी

Penitent: translate from English into Italian

Translate penitent into Italian}

Penitent: translate from English into Korean

Translate penitent into Korean}
참회하는, 후회하는, 참회하는 사람, 후회하는 사람

Penitent: translate from English into Russian

Translate penitent into Russian}
Кающийся, Кающийся грешник, Раскаивающийся

Penitent: translate from English into Spanish

Translate penitent into Spanish}
Penitente, Arrepentido

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French, from Latin paenitent- ‘repenting’, from the verb paenitere .

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