Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Outstanding


Outstanding – definition

Of major significance or importance

Outstanding translation into English

Outstanding: translate from English into Chinese

Translate outstanding into Chinese (Simplified)}
杰出的, 优秀, 突出, 出色, 卓越, 卓著, 未付, 著名, 杰, 特出, 不同凡响, 优, 卓, 显赫, 优势, 翘, 优等, 逸, 悬, 尤, 殊, 数一数二, 荦荦, 琦, 隗, 烨, 显目, 显著, 禕, 著

Outstanding: translate from English into Dutch

Translate outstanding into Dutch}
Uitstekend, Voortreffelijk, Uitstaan, Buitengewoon, Opvallend, Onbetaald, Onbeslist, Onafgedaan, In het oog lopend, Onuitgemaakt, Achterstallig

Outstanding: translate from English into French

Translate outstanding into French}
Exceptionnel, Remarquable, En suspens, Encours, Impayé, Éminent, Marquant, Arriéré, Mémorable, Dominant, Non encore réglé, Hors de commun, Hors de série

Outstanding: translate from English into German

Translate outstanding into German}
Hervorragend, Offen, Überragend, Außerordentlich, Bemerkenswert, Auffallend, Unerledigt, Hervorstechend, Unbezahlt, Laufend, Säumig

Outstanding: translate from English into Hindi

Translate outstanding into Hindi}
असाधारण, बकाया, शेष, फैला हुआ, प्रकांड, अदत्त, अप्राप्त, अवशिष्ट

Outstanding: translate from English into Italian

Translate outstanding into Italian}
Eccezionale, In sospeso, Notevole, Rilevante, Pendente, Inevaso, Prominente, In arretrato, Sporgente

Outstanding: translate from English into Korean

Translate outstanding into Korean}
훌륭해, 두드러진, 미불인, 부채 따위가 미불인, 대항하는, 돌출한

Outstanding: translate from English into Russian

Translate outstanding into Russian}
Выдающийся, Незаурядный, Знаменитый, Невыполненный, Выступающий, Неуплаченный, Просроченный, Недюжинный, Остающийся неразрешенным, Остающийся спорным

Outstanding: translate from English into Spanish

Translate outstanding into Spanish}
Sobresaliente, Excepcional, Pendiente, Destacado, Extraordinario, Relevante, Culminante, No resuelto, Cuenta por pagar

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