Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Occur


Occur – definition


(esp. of unexpected events) to happen

Usage examples:

The incident occurred shortly after the plane took off., the condition occurs primarily in older ad…

Occur translation into English

Occur: translate from English into Chinese

Translate occur into Chinese (Simplified)}
发生, 遇, 遇见, 蕴蓄, 遇合, 蕴, 来

Occur: translate from English into Dutch

Translate occur into Dutch}
Voorkomen, Zich voordoen, Gebeuren, Opkomen, Voorvallen, Invallen, Aan de hand zijn

Occur: translate from English into French

Translate occur into French}
Se produire, Survenir, Avoir lieu, Arriver, Se présenter, Se trouver, Se rencontrer, Venir à l'esprit

Occur: translate from English into German

Translate occur into German}
Geschehen, Auftreten, Kommen, Vorkommen, Erfolgen, Eintreten, Stattfinden, Einfallen, Sich ereignen, Unterlaufen, Vorfallen, In den sinn kommen

Occur: translate from English into Hindi

Translate occur into Hindi}
घटित होना, होना, घटना, हो जाना, घट जाना, पड़ना, पाया जाना

Occur: translate from English into Italian

Translate occur into Italian}
Verificarsi, Avvenire, Accadere, Capitare, Succedere, Presentare, Esserci, Venire, Ricorrere, Sopravvenire, Venire in mente, Trovarsi, Operarsi

Occur: translate from English into Korean

Translate occur into Korean}
발생하다, 나오다, 마음에 떠오르다, 일어나다

Occur: translate from English into Russian

Translate occur into Russian}
Происходить, Иметь место, Встречаться, Случаться, Являться, Попадаться, Бывать, Приходить на ум

Occur: translate from English into Spanish

Translate occur into Spanish}
Ocurrir, Suceder, Existir, Pasar, Acontecer, Encontrarse

Word origin

late 15th century: from Latin occurrere ‘go to meet, present itself’, from ob- ‘against’ + currere ‘to run’.

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