Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Nudged


Nudged – definition


Prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in order to attract attention.

Usage examples:

People were nudging each other and pointing at me

A light touch or push.

Usage examples:

He gave her shoulder a nudge

Past simple and past participle of nudge

Usage examples:

The children were giggling and nudging each other., he nudged the cat off the sofa so that he could…

Nudged translation into English

Nudged: translate from English into Chinese

Translate nudged into Chinese (Simplified)}

Nudged: translate from English into Dutch

Translate nudged into Dutch}
Geduwd, Aanstoten, Duw geven, Toestoten

Nudged: translate from English into French

Translate nudged into French}
Poussé du coude, Pousser du coude, Donner un petit coup de coude, Attirer l'attention

Nudged: translate from English into German

Translate nudged into German}
Angestoßen, Schubsen, Anstoßen, Stoßen, Stupsen, Knuffen, Puffen

Nudged: translate from English into Hindi

Translate nudged into Hindi}
बढ़ाया गया

Nudged: translate from English into Italian

Translate nudged into Italian}
Spinto, Dare una gomitata a

Nudged: translate from English into Korean

Translate nudged into Korean}
넛지, 슬쩍 찌르다, 슬쩍 밀다, 주의를 끌기 위해 보통 팔꿈치로 슬쩍 찌르다

Nudged: translate from English into Russian

Translate nudged into Russian}
Подтолкнул, Слегка подталкивать локтем

Nudged: translate from English into Spanish

Translate nudged into Spanish}
Empujó, Empujar, Dar un codazo suave

Word origin

late 17th century (as a verb): of unknown origin; compare with Norwegian dialect nugga, nyggja ‘to push, rub’.

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