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The meaning of Modest

Modest – definition


Unassuming in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.

Usage examples:

He was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise

(of an amount, rate, or level) relatively moderate, limited, or small.

Usage examples:

Drink modest amounts of alcohol

Dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention (typically used of a woman).

Usage examples:

The modest women wear long-sleeved dresses and all but cover their faces

Not large in size or amount, or not great in value

Usage examples:

A modest increase in salary, a modest house, although an outstanding scientist, he’s a modest man.

Not large in size or amount, or not expensive

Usage examples:

Modest amount/budget/profit we have a fairly modest budget, considering our oil wealth., modest ris…

Modest translation into English

Modest: translate from English into Chinese

Translate modest into Chinese (Simplified)}
谦虚的, 谦虚, 谦逊, 谦, 谦卑, 客气, 逊, 卑

Modest: translate from English into Dutch

Translate modest into Dutch}
Bescheiden, Ingetogen, Discreet, Zedig, Eerbaar

Modest: translate from English into French

Translate modest into French}
Modeste, Modique, Modéré, Pudique, Timide, Réservé

Modest: translate from English into German

Translate modest into German}
Bescheiden, Gering, Mäßig, Klein, Anspruchslos, Genügsam, Schamhaft, Anständig, Züchtig, Prunklos

Modest: translate from English into Hindi

Translate modest into Hindi}
मामूली, साधारण, नम्र, शालीन, नरम, आडंबरहीन, विनीत, लज्जावान, लाजवंत, विनयपूर्ण, सविनय, शुद्ध, शीलयुक्त

Modest: translate from English into Italian

Translate modest into Italian}
Modesto, Umile, Pudico

Modest: translate from English into Korean

Translate modest into Korean}
보통의, 겸손한, 적당한, 그다지 크지 않은, 그다지 많지 않은

Modest: translate from English into Russian

Translate modest into Russian}
Скромный, Умеренный, Сдержанный, Застенчивый, Неприхотливый, Стеснительный, Нетребовательный, Благопристойный

Modest: translate from English into Spanish

Translate modest into Spanish}
Modesto, Moderado

Word origin

mid 16th century: from French modeste, from Latin modestus ‘keeping due measure’, related to modus ‘measure’.

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