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The meaning of Moaning


Moaning – definition


Make a long, low sound expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure.

Usage examples:

Just then their patient moaned and opened his eyes

Complain or grumble, typically about something trivial.

Usage examples:

Passengers moaned about overcrowded coaches

A long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure.

Usage examples:

She gave a low moan of despair

A complaint which is perceived as trivial and not taken seriously by others.

Usage examples:

There were moans about the car's feeble ventilation

Present participle of moan

Usage examples:

He moaned with pain before losing consciousness., "let me die," he moaned., thelma's always moaning…

Moaning translation into English

Moaning: translate from English into Chinese

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Moaning: translate from English into Dutch

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Moaning: translate from English into French

Translate moaning into French}
Gémissant, Lamentation, Geignement, Rouspétance

Moaning: translate from English into German

Translate moaning into German}
Stöhnen, Gejammer, Gestöhne, Seufzen, Nörgelei, Gemecker, Meckerei, Genörgel, Raunen, Schimpferei, Nörgelig

Moaning: translate from English into Hindi

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कराह रही है

Moaning: translate from English into Italian

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Moaning: translate from English into Korean

Translate moaning into Korean}

Moaning: translate from English into Russian

Translate moaning into Russian}

Moaning: translate from English into Spanish

Translate moaning into Spanish}

Word origin

Middle English (in the sense ‘complaint or lamentation’): of unknown origin.

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