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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Keep on


Keep on – definition

phrasal verb

Continue to do something.

Usage examples:

He kept on moving
phrasal verb

Continue to employ someone.

Usage examples:

We will keep all of them on and set out to surround them with more experienced players next season

To be in or continue to be in someone’s possession

Usage examples:

Can i keep this photo?, "keep the change," she told the driver., we keep aspirin in the kitchen (= …

To have or continue to have something, and not lose it or have to give it back to somebody

Usage examples:

There is going to be a reorganization, but all the staff in the department will keep their jobs., o…

Keep on translation into English

Keep on: translate from English into Chinese

Translate keep on into Chinese (Simplified)}
继续, 继, 缵, 留用, 绍

Keep on: translate from English into Dutch

Translate keep on into Dutch}
Ga zo door, Doorgaan, Aanhouden, Blijven houden, Ophouden, Aanlaten

Keep on: translate from English into French

Translate keep on into French}
Continuer à, Continuer, Poursuivre

Keep on: translate from English into German

Translate keep on into German}
Mach weiter, Behalten, Weitermachen, Weiterfahren, Weitergehen, Weiterlaufen, Nicht aufhören, Weiterbeschäftigen, Bohren

Keep on: translate from English into Hindi

Translate keep on into Hindi}
जारी रखें, जारी रखना, आगे बढ़ाना

Keep on: translate from English into Italian

Translate keep on into Italian}
Continua, Continuare, Proseguire

Keep on: translate from English into Korean

Translate keep on into Korean}
계속, 전진을 계속하다, ...을 계속하다, 계속하다, 옷을 입은 채로 있다

Keep on: translate from English into Russian

Translate keep on into Russian}
Продолжай, Продолжать, Оставлять, Не снимать, Бранить, Докучать, Надоедать, Сохранять в прежнем положении

Keep on: translate from English into Spanish

Translate keep on into Spanish}
Continuar, Seguir, Mantener, Seguir adelante, Tener, Seguir avanzando, Ir adelante, No quitarse

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