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The meaning of Jobbing


Jobbing – definition


Employed to do occasional pieces of work, rather than on a regular or permanent basis.

Usage examples:

As a jobbing actor or musician you have to take any work you can get

Do casual or occasional work.

Usage examples:

He left school and jobbed around as a car parts salesman, warehouseman, and removal man

Buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale.

Usage examples:

His game plan is to buy in then job the shares on at a profit

Cheat; betray.

Usage examples:

He was jobbed by the justice department

Turn a public office or a position of trust to private advantage.

Usage examples:

If left unfettered he would job

Prod or stab.

Usage examples:

He prepared to job the huge brute

Jobbing translation into English

Jobbing: translate from English into Chinese

Translate jobbing into Chinese (Simplified)}
求职, 承包

Jobbing: translate from English into Dutch

Translate jobbing into Dutch}
Klusjes doen, Werving, Wervend

Jobbing: translate from English into French

Translate jobbing into French}
Boulot, À la tâche

Jobbing: translate from English into German

Translate jobbing into German}
Jobben, Gelegenheitsarbeit, Börsenhandel, Effektenhandel

Jobbing: translate from English into Hindi

Translate jobbing into Hindi}
भ्रष्टाचार, काम का, बेईमानी स्वार्थसाधन, फुटकर कार्य, आढ़त काम

Jobbing: translate from English into Italian

Translate jobbing into Italian}
Lavoro, A cottimo, Lavorazione a cottimo, Affarismo

Jobbing: translate from English into Korean

Translate jobbing into Korean}
직업, 삯일을 하는, 삯일을 하는 것

Jobbing: translate from English into Russian

Translate jobbing into Russian}
Работа, Поделки, Мелкий ремонт, Случайная работа, Биржевая игра, Спекуляция, Нерегулярная работа, Нерегулярный, Мелкие работы, Сдельная работа, Торговля акциями, Случайный

Jobbing: translate from English into Spanish

Translate jobbing into Spanish}
Agiotaje, Trabajador a destajo, Comercio de intermediario

Word origin

late Middle English: apparently symbolic of a brief forceful action (compare with jab).

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Jobbing – similar words

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