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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Irritable

Irritable – definition


(of a body part) abnormally sensitive.

Usage examples:

I still have irritable bowels though and sometimes the pain keeps me up at night.

Irritable translation into English

Irritable: translate from English into Chinese

Translate irritable into Chinese (Simplified)}
烦躁, 急躁, 暴躁, 过敏的, 坏心眼的, 易怒的

Irritable: translate from English into Dutch

Translate irritable into Dutch}
Prikkelbaar, Lichtgeraakt

Irritable: translate from English into French

Translate irritable into French}
Irritable, Irascible, Coléreux

Irritable: translate from English into German

Translate irritable into German}
Reizbar, Gereizt

Irritable: translate from English into Hindi

Translate irritable into Hindi}
चिड़चिड़ा, शीघ्र क्रुद्ध होनेवाला, तुनक मिजाज, शीघ्रकोपी

Irritable: translate from English into Italian

Translate irritable into Italian}
Irritabile, Nervoso, Insofferente, Nevrastenico

Irritable: translate from English into Korean

Translate irritable into Korean}
민감한, 성을 잘내는

Irritable: translate from English into Russian

Translate irritable into Russian}
Раздражительный, Раздражимый, Болезненный, Болезненно чувствительный, Воспринимающий раздражение

Irritable: translate from English into Spanish

Translate irritable into Spanish}
Irritable, De mal humor, Nervioso, Cascarrabias, Enojadizo

Word origin

mid 17th century: from Latin irritabilis, from the verb irritare (see irritate).

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