Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Indicate

Indicate – definition


Point out; show.

Usage examples:

Dotted lines indicate the text's margins

Suggest as a desirable or necessary course of action.

Usage examples:

Treatment for shock may be indicated

(of a driver or motor vehicle) signal an intention to change lanes or turn using an indicator.

Usage examples:

Cal indicated and moved across the road

To show or signal a direction or warning, or to make something clear

Usage examples:

[ t ] these statistics might indicate quality problems., [ + that clause ] she did not move or indi…

To show something, point to something, or make something clear

Usage examples:

Indicate sth to sb retailers should indicate to the consumer the exact weight of the produce., the …

Indicate translation into English

Indicate: translate from English into Chinese

Translate indicate into Chinese (Simplified)}
表明, 表示, 指出, 标明, 指, 预示, 意味着, 标志, 主, 隐射, 选拔

Indicate: translate from English into Dutch

Translate indicate into Dutch}
Aangeven, Wijzen op, Aanduiden, Aantonen, Aanwijzen

Indicate: translate from English into French

Translate indicate into French}
Indiquer, Désigner, Montrer, Spécifier, Manifester, Faire connaître, Dénoter, Annoncer

Indicate: translate from English into German

Translate indicate into German}
Angeben, Zeigen, Anzeigen, Deuten, Bezeichnen, Hinweisen, Kennzeichnen, Bedeuten, Andeuten, Indizieren, Kenntlich machen, Blinken

Indicate: translate from English into Hindi

Translate indicate into Hindi}
संकेत देना, संकेत करना, प्रकट करना, प्रकाशित करना, सूचित करना, उत्तेजित करना, निर्ष्टि करना, इंगित करना, दर्शाना, बतलाना

Indicate: translate from English into Italian

Translate indicate into Italian}
Indicare, Segnalare, Mostrare, Segnare, Denotare, Notificare

Indicate: translate from English into Korean

Translate indicate into Korean}
나타내다, 가리키다, 암시하다, ...의 표시다, ...의 징조다, 필요를 나타내다

Indicate: translate from English into Russian

Translate indicate into Russian}
Указывать, Означать, Показывать, Служить признаком, Предписывать, Требовать, Выражать кратко и ясно, Включить сигнал поворота

Indicate: translate from English into Spanish

Translate indicate into Spanish}
Indicar, Mostrar, Demostrar, Marcar

Word origin

early 17th century: from Latin indicat- ‘pointed out’, from the verb indicare, from in- ‘towards’ + dicare ‘make known’.

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Indicate – similar words

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