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The meaning of Ignorant


Ignorant – definition


Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.

Usage examples:

He was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid

Angry or quick-tempered.

Usage examples:

They could be very ignorant and he had no intention of getting involved in an argument just now

Having no knowledge or awareness of something or of things in general

Usage examples:

We were very young, ignorant, unskilled men., you have to assume that incoming students have an alm…

Not having enough knowledge, understanding, or information about something

Usage examples:

Ignorant about many teenagers are surprisingly ignorant about current politics., blissfully ignoran…

Not polite or showing respect

Usage examples:

Ignorant lout!

Ignorant translation into English

Ignorant: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ignorant into Chinese (Simplified)}
无知, 愚昧, 倥, 茫然, 褦, 蚩, 窾, 侗, 蒙, 茫, 暗昧, 蒙昧的

Ignorant: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ignorant into Dutch}
Onwetend, Onbekend, Onkundig

Ignorant: translate from English into French

Translate ignorant into French}

Ignorant: translate from English into German

Translate ignorant into German}
Ignorant, Unwissend, Unkundig, Ungebildet, Unverständig, Unaufgeklärt, Nicht informiert, Unhöflich, Ungeschliffen, Ungehobelt

Ignorant: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ignorant into Hindi}
अनजान, अज्ञानी, अनभिज्ञ, अबोध, जाहिल, अशिक्षित, विद्याहीन

Ignorant: translate from English into Italian

Translate ignorant into Italian}
Ignorante, Ignaro, Profano, Illetterato

Ignorant: translate from English into Korean

Translate ignorant into Korean}

Ignorant: translate from English into Russian

Translate ignorant into Russian}
Невежественный, Несведущий, Безграмотный, Неотесанный, Невоспитанный, Не знающий о

Ignorant: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ignorant into Spanish}
Ignorante, Indocto, Sin algo, Tapado

Word origin

late Middle English: via Old French from Latin ignorant- ‘not knowing’, from the verb ignorare (see ignore).

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