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The meaning of Husky

Husky – definition


(of a voice or utterance) sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.

Usage examples:

His voice became a husky, erotic whisper

Like or consisting of a husk or husks.

Usage examples:

The husky stem of a palm tree

A powerful dog of a breed with a thick double coat which is typically grey, used in the arctic for pulling sledges.

Usage examples:

Similarly, a trip to where the huskies are bred and trained to pull sleighs takes you right to the …

(esp. of a person’s voice) low and sounding slightly damaged

Usage examples:

The singer had a husky voice., rennett was a husky, broad-shouldered kid.

Husky translation into English

Husky: translate from English into Chinese

Translate husky into Chinese (Simplified)}
沙哑, 嘶哑, 沙, 粗

Husky: translate from English into Dutch

Translate husky into Dutch}
Schor, Hees

Husky: translate from English into French

Translate husky into French}
Rauque, Enroué, Costaud, Chien de traîneau, Voilé, Chien esquimau, Gros

Husky: translate from English into German

Translate husky into German}
Heiser, Schlittenhund, Rau, Belegt, Verschleiert, Eskimohund

Husky: translate from English into Hindi

Translate husky into Hindi}
Husky, कर्कश, भूसी भरा, भूसी भरी हुई, सूखा, शुष्क, रूखा, विरस

Husky: translate from English into Italian

Translate husky into Italian}
Husky, Rauco, Eschimese, Pieno di bucce, Fioco

Husky: translate from English into Korean

Translate husky into Korean}
에스키모 개의, 겉껍질의, 껍질의, 쉰 목소리의, 실팍한

Husky: translate from English into Russian

Translate husky into Russian}
Хаски, Хриплый, Сиплый, Здоровяк, Рослый, Охрипший, Крепкий, Осиплый, Сильный, Сухой, Сильный человек, Крепкий человек, Рослый человек, Эскимосская лайка, Эскимосский, Покрытый шелухой

Husky: translate from English into Spanish

Translate husky into Spanish}
Fornido, Ronco, Perro esquimal

Word origin

mid 19th century (originally denoting a Labrador Inuit): abbreviation of obsolete Ehuskemay or Newfoundland dialect Huskemaw ‘Eskimo’, probably from Montagnais (see Eskimo). The term replaced

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