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The meaning of Humble

Humble – definition


Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance.

Usage examples:

I felt very humble when meeting her

Of low social, administrative, or political rank.

Usage examples:

She came from a humble, unprivileged background

(of a thing) of modest pretensions or dimensions.

Usage examples:

He built the business empire from humble beginnings

Tending to consider yourself as having no special importance that makes you better than others; not proud

Usage examples:

He’s a humble man and he’s not comfortable talking about his own achievements., she rose from humbl…

Humble translation into English

Humble: translate from English into Chinese

Translate humble into Chinese (Simplified)}
谦逊的, 谦卑, 谦逊, 卑, 陋, 低微, 低贱, 猥, 恭顺, 贱, 低三下四, 菲, 虚, 鄙, 贬抑, 见, 羞怯, 使卑下, 鄙贱

Humble: translate from English into Dutch

Translate humble into Dutch}
Nederig, Vernederen, Verootmoedigen, Deemoedig, Onderdanig, Bescheidend

Humble: translate from English into French

Translate humble into French}
Humble, Humilier, Modeste, Vil, Mortifier, S'humilier

Humble: translate from English into German

Translate humble into German}
Bescheiden, Demütigen, Demütig, Erniedrigen, Klein, Niedrig, Gering, Einfach, Ärmlich, Ergeben, Zerknirscht, Bedürfnislos

Humble: translate from English into Hindi

Translate humble into Hindi}
विनीत, नम्र, सविनय, नम्र करना, अथम, विनयपूर्ण, नीच, क्षुद्र, अल्पमति, विनयशील

Humble: translate from English into Italian

Translate humble into Italian}
Umile, Umiliare, Modesto, Sommesso, Oscuro, Avvilire

Humble: translate from English into Korean

Translate humble into Korean}
겸손한, 천한, 경멸하다

Humble: translate from English into Russian

Translate humble into Russian}
Скромный, Смирять, Смиренный, Покорный, Простой, Смиряться, Униженный, Бедный, Унижать, Робкий, Застенчивый, Бессловесный, Безрогий

Humble: translate from English into Spanish

Translate humble into Spanish}
Humilde, Humillar, Bajo, Achicado, Achicar

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French, from Latin humilis ‘low, lowly’, from humus ‘ground’.

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