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The meaning of Howl


Howl – definition


A long, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf.

Usage examples:

While in captivity, they are very vocal, uttering high-pitched whines and howls, rasping growls.

Howl translation into English

Howl: translate from English into Chinese

Translate howl into Chinese (Simplified)}
嗥, 嚎, 号叫, 狂吠, 怒吼, 啸, 吼叫, 号, 呶, 叫嚷, 哮, 皋, 努号

Howl: translate from English into Dutch

Translate howl into Dutch}
Gehuil, Huilen, Janken, Gejank, Brullen, Uitbrullen

Howl: translate from English into French

Translate howl into French}
Hurler, Hurlement, Mugissement, Gueuler, Braillement

Howl: translate from English into German

Translate howl into German}
Heulen, Schrei, Jaulen, Schreien, Brüllen, Johlen, Rückkopplung, Rückkoppeln, Plärren, Pfeifen, Hinausbrüllen, Hinausschreien, Rückkoppelung

Howl: translate from English into Hindi

Translate howl into Hindi}
चीख़, गरजना, भेडिये का शब्द, चीख़ना, चीख़, भौ भौं, कुत्ता या भेडिये की बोली

Howl: translate from English into Italian

Translate howl into Italian}
Ululare, Ululato, Urlare, Urlo, Lamentarsi

Howl: translate from English into Korean

Translate howl into Korean}
멀리서 짖는 소리, 멀리서 짖다, 악을 쓰며 말하다

Howl: translate from English into Russian

Translate howl into Russian}
Вой, Выть, Завывание, Рев, Реветь, Завывать, Стон, Взвыть, Стонать, Подвывать, Вытье, Громко плакать

Howl: translate from English into Spanish

Translate howl into Spanish}
Aullido, Aullar, Gritar, Alarido, Grito, Bramido, Chillido, Berrido, Berrear, Bramar, Chillar, Dar alaridos, Reírse a carcajadas, Chimenea

Word origin

Middle English houle (verb), probably imitative.

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