Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Hoards


Hoards – definition


A stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded.

Usage examples:

He came back to rescue his little hoard of gold

Accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away.

Usage examples:

Thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector

To collect a large supply of something, more than you need now, often because you think you will not be able to get it later

Usage examples:

Many people hoarded food in wartime.

To collect a lot of money or objects, sometimes secretly

Usage examples:

A financial crisis can cause people to hoard., when oil prices rise, the tendency to hoard gold als…

Hoards translation into English

Hoards: translate from English into Chinese

Translate hoards into Chinese (Simplified)}
囤积, 囤, 攒, 藏, 稹

Hoards: translate from English into Dutch

Translate hoards into Dutch}
Depots, Schat, Hamsteren, Voorraad, Oppotten, Potten, Vergaren, Opsparen, Hoop, Spaarpot, Omheining, Spaargeld

Hoards: translate from English into French

Translate hoards into French}
Hordes, Magot, Provision, Faire des provisions

Hoards: translate from English into German

Translate hoards into German}
Horte, Horten, Hort, Schatz, Vorrat, Hamstern, Anhäufen

Hoards: translate from English into Hindi

Translate hoards into Hindi}
होर्ड्स, ढेर, इकट्ठा करना, ज़खेबाज़, संचय करना

Hoards: translate from English into Italian

Translate hoards into Italian}
Tesori, Tesoro, Accumulare, Gruzzolo, Ammassare, Ammasso, Accaparrare, Cumulo

Hoards: translate from English into Korean

Translate hoards into Korean}
비축, 비장, 온축, 저장하다, 매점하다, 퇴장하다

Hoards: translate from English into Russian

Translate hoards into Russian}
Клады, Копить, Запас, Запасать, Накоплять, Хранить, Тайно хранить, Скрытые запасы, Откладывать, Что-либо припрятанное, Что-либо накопленное

Hoards: translate from English into Spanish

Translate hoards into Spanish}
Atesora, Acumular, Atesorar, Acaparar, Acumulación, Amontonar, Tesoro escondido, Provisión, Acopio, Alijo, Acopiar, Retener para

Word origin

Old English hord (noun), hordian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to German Hort (noun), horten (verb).

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