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The meaning of Giddiest


Giddiest – definition


Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy.

Usage examples:

Luke felt almost giddy with relief

Make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation.

Usage examples:

You should just sit back and enjoy it, but i feel slightly giddied by it.

Having a slight feeling of spinning around or being unable to balance; slightly dizzy

Usage examples:

When she got off the roller coaster, she felt giddy and lightheaded.

Giddiest translation into English

Giddiest: translate from English into Chinese

Translate giddiest into Chinese (Simplified)}
最头晕的, 头晕, 晕, 轻佻, 头昏, 眴, 昏眩, 眩, 轻脱

Giddiest: translate from English into Dutch

Translate giddiest into Dutch}
Meest duizelingwekkende, Duizelig, Duizelingwekkend, Draaierig, Onbezonnen, Lichtzinnig

Giddiest: translate from English into French

Translate giddiest into French}
Le plus vertigineux, Étourdi, Vertigineux, Pris de vertige, Écervelé, D'un étourdissement

Giddiest: translate from English into German

Translate giddiest into German}
Am schwindeligsten, Schwindlig, Schwindelig, Schwindelnd, Schwindel-, Taumelig, Leichtfertig, Duselig, Flatterhaft, Schwindel erregend, Schwummerig, Rasend schnell

Giddiest: translate from English into Hindi

Translate giddiest into Hindi}
गिडिएस्ट, चक्कर, चंचल, चपल, घबड़ानेवाला, अस्थिर

Giddiest: translate from English into Italian

Translate giddiest into Italian}
Più vertiginoso, Stordito, Incostante, Che ha le vertigini

Giddiest: translate from English into Korean

Translate giddiest into Korean}
가장 현기증이 나는, 현기증나는, 마음이 들뜬, 눈이 빙빙 도는 듯한

Giddiest: translate from English into Russian

Translate giddiest into Russian}
Головокружительный, Легкомысленный, Испытывающий головокружение, Ветреный, Кружащийся, Непостоянный, Вертящийся

Giddiest: translate from English into Spanish

Translate giddiest into Spanish}
Más vertiginoso, Mareado, Frívolo, Rojo

Word origin

Old English gidig ‘insane’, literally ‘possessed by a god’, from the base of God. Current senses date from late Middle English.

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