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The meaning of Gaudier


Gaudier – definition


Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.

Usage examples:

Silver bows and gaudy ribbons

A celebratory dinner or entertainment held by a college for old members.

Usage examples:

Administratively, the college cannot cope with more than one gaudy per year

Having too many bright colors

Usage examples:

He was wearing a gaudy hawaiian shirt.

Gaudier translation into English

Gaudier: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gaudier into Chinese (Simplified)}
高迪尔, 花哨, 俗丽的, 华丽而俗气的, 华而不实的

Gaudier: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gaudier into Dutch}
Gaudier, Opzichtig, Bont, Opgesmukt

Gaudier: translate from English into French

Translate gaudier into French}
Plus criard, Voyant, Criard

Gaudier: translate from English into German

Translate gaudier into German}
Bunter, Knallig, Grell, Geschmacklos, Schreiend, Scheckig

Gaudier: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gaudier into Hindi}
गौडियर, भड़कीला, भड़कदार, दिखौवा, शोग्व

Gaudier: translate from English into Italian

Translate gaudier into Italian}
Più sgargiante, Vistoso, Sgargiante, Fastoso, Chiassoso

Gaudier: translate from English into Korean

Translate gaudier into Korean}
가우디에, 화려한, 저속한, 지나치게 장식한

Gaudier: translate from English into Russian

Translate gaudier into Russian}
Безвкуснее, Яркий, Безвкусный, Кричащий, Витиеватый, Цветастый, Цветистый

Gaudier: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gaudier into Spanish}
Más llamativo, Llamativo, Chillón, Vulgar, Hortera

Word origin

late 15th century: probably from gaud + -y1.

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