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The meaning of Gas


Gas – definition


A substance or matter in a state in which it will expand freely to fill the whole of a container, having no fixed shape (unlike a solid) and no fixed volume (unlike a liquid).

Usage examples:

Hot balls of gas that become stars

Used in reference to power or the accelerator of a car.

Usage examples:

We stopped for gas

Short for gasoline.

Usage examples:

We stopped for gas

An entertaining or amusing person or situation.

Usage examples:

The party would be a gas

Kill or harm by exposure to gas.

Usage examples:

My son was gassed at verdun

Talk excessively about trivial matters.

Usage examples:

I thought you'd never stop gassing

Fill the tank of (a motor vehicle) with petrol.

Usage examples:

After gassing up the car, he went into the restaurant

Very amusing or entertaining.

Usage examples:

Ruthie, that's gas—you're a gem

A form of matter that is neither solid nor liquid and can increase in size to fill any container

Usage examples:

We’re running low on gas., hundreds of thousands of soldiers were gassed in world war i.

A substance in a form like air that is neither solid nor liquid

Usage examples:

Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen are all gases., all eu countries are required to cut their emissions …

Gas translation into English

Gas: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gas into Chinese (Simplified)}
气体, 气, 煤气, 瓦斯, 汽油, 烟气, 气的

Gas: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gas into Dutch}
Gas-, Gas, Vergassen, Benzine, Tanken, Zwammen, Van gas voorzien, Bluf, Gezwam, Geklets, Gas uitstrooien over, Door gas bedwelmen, Met gas verlichten, Met gas behandelen, Bluffen, Opsnijden, Opsnijen, Kletsen, Benzine innemen

Gas: translate from English into French

Translate gas into French}
Gaz, Essence, Carburant, Méthane, Grisou, Asphyxier, Gaz asphyxiant, Dégager des gaz, Bavarder, Gaz vésicant, Blablabla

Gas: translate from English into German

Translate gas into German}
Gas, Vergasen, Benzin, Sprit, Begasen, Giftgas, Lachgas, Schwafeln, Leeres gefasel, Faseln

Gas: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gas into Hindi}
गैस, वाष्प, पैट्रोल, वायुरूप द्रव्य, वृथा गल्प, बकवाद, गैस से विषैला बनाना, अहंकार से बातचीत करना, घमंड से बातचीत करना, गैस बनना, वायुग्रस्त होना

Gas: translate from English into Italian

Translate gas into Italian}
Gas, Benzina

Gas: translate from English into Korean

Translate gas into Korean}
가스, 기체, 휘발유, 잡담, 아산화질소 가스, 뱃속에 찬 가스, 가스질의, 가스상태의, 가스가 가득 찬, 제 자랑이 많은, 가스를 공급하다, 가스로 처리하다, 가스로 태우다, 독가스로 공격하다, 가스를 내다, 독가스 공격을 하다, 잡담을 하다

Gas: translate from English into Russian

Translate gas into Russian}
Газ, Газовый, Газы, Бензин, Бытовой газ, Метан, Светильный газ, Горючее, Болтовня, Ветры, Бахвальство, Наполнять газом, Выделять газ, Газообразное тело, Насыщать газом, Рудничный газ, Газолин, Блеск, Потрясная штука, Отравлять газом, Отравляться газом, Газировать, Заправляться горючим, Бахвалиться, Болтать, Нести вздор для отвода глаз

Gas: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gas into Spanish}
Gas, Gasear, Gasolina, Asfixiar con gas, Parlotear, Envenenar con gas, Charlar

Word origin

mid 17th century: invented by J. B. van Helmont (1577–1644), Belgian chemist, to denote an occult principle which he believed to exist in all matter; suggested by Greek khaos ‘chaos’, with Du

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