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The meaning of Garottes


Garottes – definition


Kill (someone) by strangulation, especially with a length of wire or cord.

Usage examples:

He had been garrotted with piano wire

A wire, cord, or other implement used for garrotting.

Usage examples:

They also had a tommy gun - and he had a garrotte or ‘cheese cutter’, a more silent way of killing.

To kill someone by putting a metal wire or collar around their neck and pulling it

Garottes translation into English

Garottes: translate from English into Chinese

Translate garottes into Chinese (Simplified)}

Garottes: translate from English into Dutch

Translate garottes into Dutch}
Garottes, Wurgen, Worgen, Wurgsnoer, Wurging, Worgtoestel, Worgkoord

Garottes: translate from English into French

Translate garottes into French}
Garottes, Garrot, Étrangler, Cordelette, Faire périr par le garrot

Garottes: translate from English into German

Translate garottes into German}
Garotten, Garrotte

Garottes: translate from English into Hindi

Translate garottes into Hindi}
गारोट्स, गला घोंटकर मार डालना

Garottes: translate from English into Italian

Translate garottes into Italian}
Garotte, Garrotta, Strangolare con la garrotta

Garottes: translate from English into Korean

Translate garottes into Korean}
가로로트, 교살 강탈, 교형구

Garottes: translate from English into Russian

Translate garottes into Russian}
Удавки, Гаррота, Удушить при ограблении, Удушение с целью грабежа, Казнь гарротой

Garottes: translate from English into Spanish

Translate garottes into Spanish}
Garrotes, Garrote, Agarrotar, Dar garrote a

Word origin

early 17th century: via French from Spanish garrote ‘a cudgel, a garrotte’, perhaps of Celtic origin.

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Garottes – similar words

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