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The meaning of Gadget


Gadget – definition


A small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one.

Usage examples:

A variety of kitchen gadgets

A small device or machine with a particular purpose

Usage examples:

This handy gadget separates egg yolks from whites.

A small machine or piece of electronic equipment that has a particular purpose

Usage examples:

Latest/modern/new gadgets with competition heating up, the latest gadgets have added features to se…

Gadget translation into English

Gadget: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gadget into Chinese (Simplified)}
小工具, 机件

Gadget: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gadget into Dutch}
Gadget, Apparaatje, Dingetje, Instrumentje, Truc, Toefje, Machine-onderdeeltje

Gadget: translate from English into French

Translate gadget into French}
Gadget, Machin, Petit instrument, Petit truc

Gadget: translate from English into German

Translate gadget into German}
Gerät, Apparat, Vorrichtung, Ding

Gadget: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gadget into Hindi}
गैजेट, यंत्र, बेबात, बकवास, टूम, कल, छोटा यंत्र, युक्ति

Gadget: translate from English into Italian

Translate gadget into Italian}
Gadget, Dispositivo, Aggeggio, Congegno, Arnese

Gadget: translate from English into Korean

Translate gadget into Korean}
간단한 기계 장치, 공군 사관 후보생, 간단한 전기 장치

Gadget: translate from English into Russian

Translate gadget into Russian}
Гаджет, Безделушка, Новое устройство, Ерунда, Новое приспособление, Попсушка

Gadget: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gadget into Spanish}
Artilugio, Aparato, Dispositivo, Artefacto, Chisme

Word origin

late 19th century (originally in nautical use): probably from French gâchette ‘lock mechanism’ or from the French dialect word gagée ‘tool’.

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