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The meaning of Flaw


Flaw – definition


A mark, blemish, or other imperfection which mars a substance or object.

Usage examples:

A flaw in the glass

Mar, weaken, or invalidate (something).

Usage examples:

The computer game was flawed by poor programming

A squall of wind; a short storm.

Usage examples:

The ship had turned, caught in a windy flaw

A fault or weakness, esp. one that happens while something is being planned or made and that makes it not perfect

Usage examples:

A flaw in the steering mechanism led to a recall of 200,000 cars.

A fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or made

Usage examples:

The company had to spend millions correcting design flaws., serious/major/minor flaw (in sth) there…

Flaw translation into English

Flaw: translate from English into Chinese

Translate flaw into Chinese (Simplified)}
缺陷, 漏洞, 瑕疵, 裂纹, 破绽, 瑕, 疵, 裂, 漏子, 爆裂, 飑

Flaw: translate from English into Dutch

Translate flaw into Dutch}
Gebrek, Fout, Barst, Leemte, Breuk, Smet, Scheur, Vlek

Flaw: translate from English into French

Translate flaw into French}
Défaut, Imperfection, Faute, Inconvénient, Endommager, Souffle, Casse, Casser, Tempête

Flaw: translate from English into German

Translate flaw into German}
Mangel, Fehler, Defekt, Wolke, Einen fehler finden, Einen fehler aufzeigen

Flaw: translate from English into Hindi

Translate flaw into Hindi}
गलती, दोष, त्रुटि, खोट, दरार, नुक्स, धब्बा, छिद्र

Flaw: translate from English into Italian

Translate flaw into Italian}
Difetto, Pecca, Neo, Imperfezione, Magagna, Fallo

Flaw: translate from English into Korean

Translate flaw into Korean}
결함, 결점, 흠, 금, 티, 돌풍

Flaw: translate from English into Russian

Translate flaw into Russian}
Недостаток, Изъян, Ошибка, Брешь, Порок, Трещина, Упущение, Брак, Огрех, Порыв ветра, Щель, Пятно, Портить, Шквал, Портиться, Делать недействительным, Трескаться, Повреждать, Раскалывать, Вызывать трещину

Flaw: translate from English into Spanish

Translate flaw into Spanish}
Falla, Imperfección, Desperfecto, Fallar, Paño

Word origin

early 16th century: probably from Middle Dutch vlāghe, Middle Low German vlāge .

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