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The meaning of Flattering


Flattering – definition


Full of praise and compliments.

Usage examples:

The article began with some flattering words about us

Lavish praise and compliments on (someone), often insincerely and with the aim of furthering one's own interests.

Usage examples:

She was flattering him in order to avoid doing what he wanted

Making someone look or feel better or more attractive than usual

Usage examples:

That suit is flattering on you.

Flattering translation into English

Flattering: translate from English into Chinese

Translate flattering into Chinese (Simplified)}
讨人喜欢, 赞美的, 阿谀的, 称赞的, 谄媚的

Flattering: translate from English into Dutch

Translate flattering into Dutch}

Flattering: translate from English into French

Translate flattering into French}
Flatteur, Flagornerie

Flattering: translate from English into German

Translate flattering into German}
Schmeichelhaft, Schmeichelnd, Schmeichlerisch, Vorteilhaft, Kleidsam

Flattering: translate from English into Hindi

Translate flattering into Hindi}
चापलूसी, प्रशंसापूर्ण, चापलूसी करते हुए, चापलूसीभरा

Flattering: translate from English into Italian

Translate flattering into Italian}
Lusinghiero, Adulatorio

Flattering: translate from English into Korean

Translate flattering into Korean}
유망한, 아첨하는, 실물보다 좋게 보이는

Flattering: translate from English into Russian

Translate flattering into Russian}
Лестный, Льстивый

Flattering: translate from English into Spanish

Translate flattering into Spanish}
Halagador, Halagüeño, Lisonjero, Zalamero, Lisonjeado, Adulatorio, Lagotero

Word origin

Middle English: perhaps a back-formation from flattery.

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