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The meaning of Fizzle out


Fizzle out – definition

phrasal verb

End weakly

phrasal verb

To gradually end, often in a disappointing or weak way

Usage examples:

They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.

Fizzle out translation into English

Fizzle out: translate from English into Chinese

Translate fizzle out into Chinese (Simplified)}

Fizzle out: translate from English into Dutch

Translate fizzle out into Dutch}
Uit de hand lopen, Met een sisser aflopen, Op niets uitdraaien, Op niets uitlopen

Fizzle out: translate from English into French

Translate fizzle out into French}
S'effondrer, Finir en eau de boudin, Se terminer en queue de poisson

Fizzle out: translate from English into German

Translate fizzle out into German}
Verpuffen, Versanden

Fizzle out: translate from English into Hindi

Translate fizzle out into Hindi}
सुरसुराहट होना, गंधरहित हो जाना, बेजान हो जाना, असफल होना

Fizzle out: translate from English into Italian

Translate fizzle out into Italian}

Fizzle out: translate from English into Korean

Translate fizzle out into Korean}
흐지부지되다, 쉿하며 꺼지다, 실패하다

Fizzle out: translate from English into Russian

Translate fizzle out into Russian}
Выдыхаться, Выдохнуться, Кончаться неудачей, Терпеть неудачу

Fizzle out: translate from English into Spanish

Translate fizzle out into Spanish}
Apagarse, Terminar sin resultados

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