Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Feed

Feed – definition


Supply with material or power.

Usage examples:

A radial circuit fed by a 20 amp fuse

Cause to pass gradually and steadily, typically through a confined space.

Usage examples:

Make holes through which to feed the cables

An act of giving food, especially to animals or a baby, or of having food given to one.

Usage examples:

The baby's morning feed

A device or pipe for supplying material to a machine.

Usage examples:

A paper feed

A line or prompt given to an actor on stage.

Usage examples:

Simon needed our kid to speak up and give him the feed line of ‘no’ so he could deliver his line an…

Make a payment to (someone) in return for services.


Provide as food


To give food to a person or animal, or of an animal to eat

Usage examples:

[ t ] we fed the kids some leftovers., [ i ] the cows were feeding in the pasture., we had to keep …

To give food to a person, group, or animal

Usage examples:

These microwave meals feed two people., if agriculture were given priority, the country would soon …

Feed translation into English

Feed: translate from English into Chinese

Translate feed into Chinese (Simplified)}
喂养, 饲料, 喂, 养活, 料, 馈送, 食, 饲养, 饲, 哺养, 哺育, 哺, 放牧, 啖, 毓, 进刀, 进料

Feed: translate from English into Dutch

Translate feed into Dutch}
Voer, Voeden, Voeren, Eten, Voederen, Zich voeden, Het voeden, Gebruiken, Vreten, Maaltijd, Spijzen, Maal, Laten weiden, Bikken, Onderhoud

Feed: translate from English into French

Translate feed into French}
Nourrir, Alimentation, Alimenter, Fourrage, Se nourrir, Nourriture, Manger, Paître, Ration, Pâture, Engraisser, Brouter, Pâtée, Faire nourrir, Encourager

Feed: translate from English into German

Translate feed into German}
Einspeisung, Füttern, Ernähren, Speisen, Futter, Versorgen, Nähren, Beschickung, Fressen, Führen, Zuführung, Zuführen, Weiden, Versorgung, Essen, Beschicken, Transportieren, Futtern, Sättigen, Nahrung geben, Eingabe, Sich ernähren, Viehfutter, Mahlzeit, Unterhalten, Mast, Verpflegen, Geld einwerfen

Feed: translate from English into Hindi

Translate feed into Hindi}
चारा, खिलाना, भोजन, खाना खिलाना, खाना, भोजन देना, पालना, भोजन कराने की त्रिय, भोजन करना, चराना, निवाला देना, प्रदाय, भरण, खाद्य

Feed: translate from English into Italian

Translate feed into Italian}
Alimentazione, Alimentare, Sfamare, Nutrire, Pasto, Imboccare, Cibare, Mangiata

Feed: translate from English into Korean

Translate feed into Korean}
밥을 먹이다, 먹이, 급송, 식사, 식량 공급, 즐겁게 하다, 급송장치, 대사를 시작할 계기를 만들어 주는 역, 먹이를 주다, 모이를 주다, 공급하다, 대사를 시작할 계기를 만들어 주다, ...에게 패스하다, 먹이를 먹다, 먹이로 하다

Feed: translate from English into Russian

Translate feed into Russian}
Подача, Кормить, Корм, Питаться, Питание, Кормовой, Питать, Загрузочный, Кормление, Пища, Подавать, Устройство подачи, Кормиться, Пастись, Подача материала, Фураж, Еда, Пасти, Порция, Скармливать, Дача, Задавать корм, Поданный материал, Поддерживать, Нанимать, Платить гонорар, Снабжать водой, Снабжать сырьем, Снабжать топливом, Нагнетать, Выгон, Пастбище

Feed: translate from English into Spanish

Translate feed into Spanish}
Alimento, Alimentar, Alimentarse, Pienso, Comida, Pasto, Dar de comer, Comilona, Cebar, Cuchipanda

Word origin

Middle English: from an Anglo-Norman French variant of Old French feu, fief, from medieval Latin feodum, feudum, ultimately of Germanic origin. Compare with feu, feud, and fief.

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