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The meaning of Fear


Fear – definition


An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

Usage examples:

I cowered in fear as bullets whizzed past

Be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.

Usage examples:

I hated him but didn't fear him any more

An emotion in anticipation of some specific pain or danger


A strong emotion caused by great worry about something dangerous, painful, or unknown that is happening or might happen

Usage examples:

[ u ] even when the boat was rocked by waves, the boy showed no fear., [ c ] the low sales continue…

Fear translation into English

Fear: translate from English into Chinese

Translate fear into Chinese (Simplified)}
恐惧, 怕, 恐, 畏惧, 惧, 畏, 忌惮, 忧, 虞, 怵, 惮, 忧心, 慑, 懔, 忌, 怖, 惶, 畏葸, 恫, 戄, 恇, 竦, 畏忌, 葸, 恇恇, 竦惧

Fear: translate from English into Dutch

Translate fear into Dutch}
Angst, Vrezen, Vrees, Bang zijn, Ontzag, Duchten, Beklemming, Schromen

Fear: translate from English into French

Translate fear into French}
Craindre, Peur, Crainte, Avoir peur, Danger

Fear: translate from English into German

Translate fear into German}
Furcht, Angst, Fürchten, Befürchten, Befürchtung, Scheu, Angst haben, Sich fürchten, Risiko, Respekt, Angst haben vor

Fear: translate from English into Hindi

Translate fear into Hindi}
डर, भय, डरना, आशंका, चिंता, डरावना, शंका, संत्रास, झिझक, त्रास, रोब, झझक, खटका, संवेग, भयभीत होना, शंकित होना, आशंकित होना, झिझकना, संदेह करना, ख़ौफ़, भीति, डर लगना

Fear: translate from English into Italian

Translate fear into Italian}
Paura, Temere, Timore, Spavento, Avere paura, Paventare

Fear: translate from English into Korean

Translate fear into Korean}
두려움, 무서움, 근심, 먹다, 신에 대한 두려움, 무서워하다, 걱정하다, 근심하다, 망설이다, 경외하다, 염려하다

Fear: translate from English into Russian

Translate fear into Russian}
Страх, Бояться, Опасаться, Боязнь, Опасение, Страшиться, Вероятность, Ожидать, Возможность

Fear: translate from English into Spanish

Translate fear into Spanish}
Miedo, Temer, Temor, Tener miedo, Horror, Aprensión, Recelar

Word origin

Old English fǣr ‘calamity, danger’, fǣran ‘frighten’, also ‘revere’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gevaar and German Gefahr ‘danger’.

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