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The meaning of Entrepreneur


Entrepreneur – definition


A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

Usage examples:

Many entrepreneurs see potential in this market

A person who attempts to make a profit by starting a company or by operating alone in the business world, esp. when it involves taking risks

Usage examples:

He’s an entrepreneur who made his money in computer software.

Someone who makes money by starting their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity and taking risks

Usage examples:

An internet/e-commerce/dotcom entrepreneur, a property/retail/technology entrepreneur, a wealthy/su…

Entrepreneur translation into English

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Chinese

Translate entrepreneur into Chinese (Simplified)}
企业家, 主办人

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Dutch

Translate entrepreneur into Dutch}
Ondernemer, Impresario

Entrepreneur: translate from English into French

Translate entrepreneur into French}
Chef d'entreprise, Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur: translate from English into German

Translate entrepreneur into German}

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Hindi

Translate entrepreneur into Hindi}
उद्यमी, व्यवसायी, धंधेवाला, नव साहसी, जोखिम उठाने वाला, उद्यमकर्त्ता

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Italian

Translate entrepreneur into Italian}
Imprenditore, Impresario

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Korean

Translate entrepreneur into Korean}
기업가, 중개업자, 가극의 흥행주

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Russian

Translate entrepreneur into Russian}
Предприниматель, Антрепренер, Владелец предприятия

Entrepreneur: translate from English into Spanish

Translate entrepreneur into Spanish}
Emprendedor, Empresario, Comerciante

Word origin

mid 18th century (denoting a person who undertakes a project): from French, from entreprendre ‘undertake’ (see enterprise).

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