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The meaning of Enameled


Enameled – definition


Coat or decorate (a metallic or hard object) with enamel.

Usage examples:

He enamelled the back of the case in the rococo style

Coated or decorated with enamel.

Usage examples:

An enamelled roasting tin

An opaque or semi-transparent glossy substance that is a type of glass, applied by vitrification to metallic or other hard surfaces for ornament or as a protective coating.

Usage examples:

Pieces of metalwork decorated with enamel

The hard glossy substance that covers the crown of a tooth.

Usage examples:

There are two parts to a tooth: the crown, which is covered by enamel and is the visible part of th…

A paint that dries to give a smooth, hard coat.

Usage examples:

One coat of enamel and three coats of varnish

Nail varnish.

Usage examples:

Light pink nail enamel will make the hands even more charming.

A substance made from glass that is used to decorate or protect clay, metal, and glass objects, or an object covered with this substance

Usage examples:

[ u ] the enamel on the sink was chipped., [ c ] i used a blue enamel for the trim.

Enameled translation into English

Enameled: translate from English into Chinese

Translate enameled into Chinese (Simplified)}
搪瓷, 珐琅

Enameled: translate from English into Dutch

Translate enameled into Dutch}
Geëmailleerd, Emailleren, Brandschilderen, Verglazen, Schakeren

Enameled: translate from English into French

Translate enameled into French}
Émaillé, Émailler

Enameled: translate from English into German

Translate enameled into German}
Emailliert, Emaillieren

Enameled: translate from English into Hindi

Translate enameled into Hindi}
Enameled, तामचीनी चढ़ना

Enameled: translate from English into Italian

Translate enameled into Italian}

Enameled: translate from English into Korean

Translate enameled into Korean}
에나멜를 입힌, 에나멜 도료를 입힌

Enameled: translate from English into Russian

Translate enameled into Russian}
Эмалированный, Эмалевый

Enameled: translate from English into Spanish

Translate enameled into Spanish}
Esmaltado, Esmaltar, Realizar esmalto

Word origin

late Middle English (originally as a verb; formerly also as inamel ): from Anglo-Norman French enamailler, from en- ‘in, on’ + amail ‘enamel’, ultimately of Germanic origin.

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