Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Emission


Emission – definition


The production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.

Usage examples:

The effects of lead emission on health

The act of causing to flow forth


An amount of something, especially a gas that harms the environment, that is sent out into the air

Usage examples:

Emissions of sth the bill is intended to lower emissions of greenhouse gases., cut/reduce/limit emi…

Emission translation into English

Emission: translate from English into Chinese

Translate emission into Chinese (Simplified)}
排放, 发射, 发出, 发行

Emission: translate from English into Dutch

Translate emission into Dutch}
Uitstoot, Emissie, Uitstraling, Uitzending, Uitgifte, Uitvaardiging

Emission: translate from English into French

Translate emission into French}
Émission, Dégagement, Lancement

Emission: translate from English into German

Translate emission into German}
Emission, Ausstoß, Abgabe, Ausstrahlung, Absonderung, Erguss

Emission: translate from English into Hindi

Translate emission into Hindi}
उत्सर्जन, स्खलन, प्रसार, प्रचार, फैलाव, स्वप्नदोष, वीर्यपात

Emission: translate from English into Italian

Translate emission into Italian}
Emissione, Fuoriuscita

Emission: translate from English into Korean

Translate emission into Korean}
방사, 배기, 발행, 서정

Emission: translate from English into Russian

Translate emission into Russian}
Эмиссия, Выпуск, Распространение, Поллюция, Излучение света, Выделение теплоты

Emission: translate from English into Spanish

Translate emission into Spanish}
Emisión, Transmisión, Traslado

Word origin

late Middle English (in the sense ‘emanation’): from Latin emissio(n- ), from emiss- ‘sent out’, from the verb emittere (see emit).

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Emission synonims

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