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The meaning of Eiderdown


Eiderdown – definition


A quilt filled with down (originally from the eider) or some other soft material.

Usage examples:

She lay in the middle of the big bed, her slender figure - now thinned by her illness - seeming los…

Small, soft feathers from the breast of the female eider.

Usage examples:

I felt the crisp arctic air and ran my hand through musk-ox hair that was as soft as eider down.

Eiderdown translation into English

Eiderdown: translate from English into Chinese

Translate eiderdown into Chinese (Simplified)}
鸭绒, 凫绒被

Eiderdown: translate from English into Dutch

Translate eiderdown into Dutch}
Donsdeken, Eiderdons, Donzen dekbed

Eiderdown: translate from English into French

Translate eiderdown into French}
Édredon, Duvet d'eder

Eiderdown: translate from English into German

Translate eiderdown into German}
Federbett, Daunendecke, Plumeau

Eiderdown: translate from English into Hindi

Translate eiderdown into Hindi}
ईडरडाउन, ऐडर का रोयां का, ऐडर का रोयां का कंबल, एक बत्तक की छाती पर के कोमल पर, इन परों से भरी रजाई

Eiderdown: translate from English into Italian

Translate eiderdown into Italian}
Piumino, Trapunta

Eiderdown: translate from English into Korean

Translate eiderdown into Korean}
깃털 이불, 솜털오리의 가슴에 난 솜털, 솜털오리의 가슴에 난 솜털의, 깃털 이불의

Eiderdown: translate from English into Russian

Translate eiderdown into Russian}
Гагачий пух, Гагачий, Пуховое стеганое одеяло

Eiderdown: translate from English into Spanish

Translate eiderdown into Spanish}

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