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The meaning of Declare

Declare – definition


Say something in a solemn and emphatic manner.

Usage examples:

The prime minister declared that the programme of austerity had paid off

Acknowledge possession of (taxable income or dutiable goods).

Usage examples:

If you have something to declare customs officers will tell you the duty payable

Close an innings voluntarily before all the wickets have fallen.

Usage examples:

Pakistan declared at 446 for four

Announce that one holds (certain combinations of cards) in a card game.

Usage examples:

After everyone has declared any combinations they wish to, the player to dealer's left leads to the…

To announce or express something clearly and publicly, esp. officially

Usage examples:

The courts declared the policy unconstitutional., a state of emergency has been declared because of…

To make a public or official statement about something

Usage examples:

All pre-existing health conditions should be declared to your insurer., after the acquittal, ceo, b…

Declare translation into English

Declare: translate from English into Chinese

Translate declare into Chinese (Simplified)}
宣布, 声明, 申报, 宣告, 宣称, 申明, 宣, 表明, 宣示, 表态, 昭示, 告, 声言, 发言, 硬说

Declare: translate from English into Dutch

Translate declare into Dutch}
Verklaren, Vaststellen, Aangeven, Declareren, Melden, Bekendmaken

Declare: translate from English into French

Translate declare into French}
Déclarer, Confirmer, Proclamer, Annoncer

Declare: translate from English into German

Translate declare into German}
Erklären, Deklarieren, Verkünden, Angeben, Behaupten, Anmelden, Verzollen, Ansagen, Proklamieren, Verhängen, Aussagen, Bekannt geben, Beteuern, Kundgeben

Declare: translate from English into Hindi

Translate declare into Hindi}
घोषित, घोषणा करना, प्रकट करना, एलान कर देना, मानना, स्पष्ट बता देना, एलान करना, पहचानना, विज्ञापन करना, घोषणा कर देना, कहना, वर्णन करना, जताना

Declare: translate from English into Italian

Translate declare into Italian}
Dichiarare, Dichiararsi, Proclamare, Denunciare, Indire, Asserire, Professare

Declare: translate from English into Korean

Translate declare into Korean}
선언하다, 알리다, 포고하다, 언명하다, 단언하다, 신고하다, 나타내다

Declare: translate from English into Russian

Translate declare into Russian}
Объявить, Объявлять, Заявлять, Провозглашать, Признавать, Описывать, Высказываться, Выражать, Свидетельствовать, Объявлять козырь, Объявлять публично, Показывать

Declare: translate from English into Spanish

Translate declare into Spanish}
Declarar, Afirmar, Anunciar, Enunciar, Leer una declaración

Word origin

Middle English: from Latin declarare, from de- ‘thoroughly’ + clarare ‘make clear’ (from clarus ‘clear’).

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