Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Commonplace


Commonplace – definition


A usual or ordinary thing.

Usage examples:

Bombing has become almost a commonplace of public life there

A notable passage in a work copied into a commonplace book.


Happening or seen frequently and so not considered special or unusual

Usage examples:

Public financing for sports stadiums has become commonplace.

Commonplace translation into English

Commonplace: translate from English into Chinese

Translate commonplace into Chinese (Simplified)}
平凡, 庸碌, 庸, 碌碌, 碌, 凡, 数见不鲜

Commonplace: translate from English into Dutch

Translate commonplace into Dutch}
Alledaags, Gewoon, Gemeenplaats, Banaal, Afgezaagd, Aanhaling, Gezegde

Commonplace: translate from English into French

Translate commonplace into French}
Banal, Lieu commun, Ordinaire, Vulgaire, Familier, Lieu public, Observation banal, Terrain commun

Commonplace: translate from English into German

Translate commonplace into German}
Alltäglich, Gemeinplatz, Banal, Alltäglichkeit, Plattheit

Commonplace: translate from English into Hindi

Translate commonplace into Hindi}
सामान्य, साधारण, मामूली, मामूल, साधारणता

Commonplace: translate from English into Italian

Translate commonplace into Italian}
Luogo comune, Comune, Banale, Banalità, Ovvio, Fatto normale

Commonplace: translate from English into Korean

Translate commonplace into Korean}
평범한, 평범한 일, 평범한 것, 흔해빠진 이야기, 흔해빠진 말

Commonplace: translate from English into Russian

Translate commonplace into Russian}
Обыденность, Банальность, Банальный, Общее место, Обывательский, Избитый, Повторять общие места, Записывать в тетрадь для заметок, Что-либо обычное, Что-либо привычное

Commonplace: translate from English into Spanish

Translate commonplace into Spanish}
Vulgar, Trivial, Banalidad, Ser vulgar

Word origin

mid 16th century (originally common place ): translation of Latin locus communis, rendering Greek koinos topos ‘general theme’.

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