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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Clacking


Clacking – definition


Make a sharp sound or series of sounds as a result of a hard object striking another.

Usage examples:

He heard the sound of her heels clacking across flagstones

A sharp sound or series of sounds.

Usage examples:

The clack of her high heels

Present participle of clack

Usage examples:

Their heels clacked on the bare concrete., a typewriter was clacking in the next room.

Clacking translation into English

Clacking: translate from English into Chinese

Translate clacking into Chinese (Simplified)}
噼里啪啦, 唠叨, 发哔剥声

Clacking: translate from English into Dutch

Translate clacking into Dutch}
Klakkend, Klapperen, Klappen, Ratelen, Kakelen, Klappen met

Clacking: translate from English into French

Translate clacking into French}
Claquement, Bavarder

Clacking: translate from English into German

Translate clacking into German}

Clacking: translate from English into Hindi

Translate clacking into Hindi}
ताली बजाना

Clacking: translate from English into Italian

Translate clacking into Italian}

Clacking: translate from English into Korean

Translate clacking into Korean}
딸깍 하는 소리, 딱딱거리다, 딸깍거리다, 지껄여대다, 꼬꼬댁거리다, 딱딱소리나게 하다, 딸깍소리나게 하다

Clacking: translate from English into Russian

Translate clacking into Russian}
Щелканье, Трещать, Кудахтать, Щелкать, Гоготать, Громко болтать

Clacking: translate from English into Spanish

Translate clacking into Spanish}
Repiqueteo, Chismear, Hablar sin razón, Charlar con

Word origin

Middle English: imitative.

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Clacking – similar words

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